Did you ever wonder who creates the Friday Special Events schedule? Or what goes into the planning of the individual events themselves? How do we move from Water Carnival to World Cup Soccer to the Wizard of Oz?

Well, step inside the world of the section supervisors…

In the bleak midwinter, the supervisors are already hard at work. They ponder the big questions,

Olympic captains

What is going on the world right now?

World Cup Soccer?

Winter Olympics?

Is there an upcoming event we should explore as part of a Friday? What movies or books are particularly interesting to children this year?

Kermit Harry Potter? The Incredibles? The Muppets?

What are some classic themes we could expose campers to?

Board games…Scrabble? Legos?

What camp traditions can we mix in to a Friday Special Event?

Green Gizmo? Sewataro Camp Songs: Charlie on the MTA?

What are some of our Friday traditions that we must have every summer?

Slip n Slide

Olympics? Water Carnival?

…Stay tuned to learn more about the actual planning of some of our most memorable Friday events. And start to think about the answer to the question:

What is your favorite Friday Special Event?

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